Ritual Objects - @Freitagsküche Frankfurt am Main

To mark the start of this year's Ambiente trade fair in Frankfurt am Main, I had the pleasure of co-organizing and participating in the Ritual Objects exhibition at Freitagsküche in Frankfurt. The exhibition invited visitors to reflect on the significance of rituals in fostering togetherness. It was an evening that beautifully demonstrated how design and sound can create meaningful moments of connection and encounter. Eight artists showcased contemporary ritual objects and sounds that enriched the communal dining experience.


Co-organised with:


Jonathan Radetz


Participating Artists:


Lisa Freyschmidt 

Fynn Freyschmidt


Jack Ritchie


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News: New Work Perspectives

In August this Year I started a new position as Manager Product Design at the Berlin based Company Paper & Tea. I am incredibly excited for the projects to come and to work with so many motivated people. Tea Culture is rich in history and manners, so it is something I am absolutely thrilled about to dive into. The pictures show my currently favorite Teas, a traditional Matcha and a Genmaicha -  a Green Sencha Blend with roasted brown rice. From now on I will divide my working time between my Role at Paper & Tea and my freelance Projects.

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'Wasser und Wein' Exhibition

The 'Wasser und Wein' Exhibition is opening at it's next (and final) stop at Baruth Glashütte.

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Food Diary: Mexico

One of the best ways to explore a country is over its local food. Mexico is rich in food culture, and Mexicans have managed to preserve a lot of their traditional dishes. In Europe, we mainly know Tacos and a lot of Tex-Mex dishes like Burritos or Chili con Carne. But the food that I experienced in Mexico went way beyond anything I thought I knew or had expected from Mexican cuisine.

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Inspiration: Setting a table by the sea

A lonely beach by the pacific coast tempted me to a spontaneous table setting by the sea. Rocks provided a table and the perfect scenery. The ocean provided me with treasures like oyster shells and tiny pebbles. Collecting shells by the beach is a very meditative and rewarding activity to me, which I already used to love as a child. Oysters especially are inspiring to me: The contrast between the rough outside and the shiny inside gives these them a beautiful a wild elegance, and I find mother-of-pearl is probably one of nature's most luxurious materials.

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Food Diary: Crete & Athens

Since ancient times, Cretan cuisine has been based on several basic elements: olive oil, herbs, fish and seafood, goat or lamb meat, vegetables and fruits grown on the island. Later, Venetian and Ottoman influences were added to them, which created a special cuisine. Crete has many dishes that are found everywhere in the mainland of Greece, but also some specific only to this area.

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Sensorium at "Glass in Venice"

The Sensorium Tumblers recieved "Special Mentions" at the Riedel Design Award 2017. The Award Ceremony with Representants from Istituto Veneto and the Museum of Murano,designer Stefanie Kubanek and Winner Kyle Solá took place at the 13th of September at the Palazzo Franchetti in Venice during Venice Glasss Week. Works of award-winning artists are exhibited in the atrium of Palazzo Loredan. 14 september - 13 october 2017 From Monday to Friday from 10.00 am to 5.00 pm. Free Entrance   Photos 2, 3 by Carlo Morucchio.

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"Special Mentions" for the Sensorium Tumbler!

My Sensorium Tumblers got special mentions from the Jury of the "Riedel Glass Design Award" and will be exhibited in Venice during "Venice Glass Week" from the 10.09.17 to 17.09.17. More Info here.

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Inspiring Imagery Exhibition during Salone Mobile 2017 in Milan

2017 the German Design Council selected 21 products to be exhibited during Salone Mobile in Milan and Salé was one of the Winner-Pojects. The Exhibition was located in Via Tortona and the Exhibition-Design was created by Studio Besau Marguerre.

Exhibition in Milan and award ceremony with Andrej Kupetz, CEO of the German Design Council.


 All Photos by: Daniel Banner

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Salé is going to Milan!

Thanks to the German Design Council I got the possibility to exhibit as part of the "Tortona Design Week", during the international furniture fair "Salone del Mobile" in Milan. Come an visit me!

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